Toshiba Carrier ’s New VRF Series SMMS u Won the Highest Honor at 2020 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award of Japan

Kawasaki shi, Japan, December 21 , 2020 Toshiba Carrier Corporation announced that the SMMS u, its newly launched VRF series, won the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Prize, the highest honor in the product and business model segment of 2020 Energy Conservation Grand
Prize Award of Japan.

The Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award of Japan is an annual event sponsored by Japan’s Energy Conservation Center (JEC) and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). The government led program is designed to commend energy saving efforts that are executed by private companies, autonomous communities and educational institutes, excel others and exemplify as role model as well as products and/or business models with outstanding energy efficiency, aiming to raise energy saving consciousness in the cou ntry’ s entire population and build an energy conscious society through the promotion of energy efficiency products.

This marks Toshiba Carrier’s 30th honor of the Energy Conservation Grand Prize, including prizes won under the “21st Ce ntury oriented Ener gy Efficiency and Conservation Equipment and Systems Award (Energy Conservation Vanguard 21)”, the previous format of the Grand Prize.

The award ceremony is to be held on January 27 , 202 1 , at Tokyo Big Sight. The prize winning SMMS u, powered by Toshiba Carrier’s advanced technologies such as the world’s largest triplet rotary compressor (*1) and the world’s first dual state inverter (*2) leading to superior partial load property, has accomplished the industry’s highest annual performance factor (APF : 5.5 and 5.6 for 18 and 20HP models respectively) (*3)(*4) but yet with one of the smallest chassis in the industry. The product allows building owners and contractors to plan their equ ipment replacement in a flexible manner according to their budgets and schedules and to address challenges in comfort, reliability and energy efficiency when operating in defrost mode or being used with fresh air ventilation equipment . These innovative fea tures that provide robust solutions and boost the use of high efficiency equipment are highly recognized and have led to the highest honor.

Key Product Features

Today, building owners are facing situations where they need to replace AC systems in their in their building not only because they are old or out of order but also they need to comply with energy regulations or guidelines that are getting more stringent overtime. When the energy efficiency of AC equipment rises, the size of the AC outdoor units size tends to grow. This gives the building owners challenges to secure enough space for installing outdoor units on the rooftop or balcony, where in many cases small and medium-sized buildings find only limited space available to accommodate such large units. Other typical dilemmas for building owners include budget constraint for replacement, difficulty in managing the timeline of replacement to avoid peak AC seasons (i.e. summer and winter), and long downtime of AC units during the replacement, to name a few. The SMMS-u, Toshiba Carrier’s new VRF series, are designed to address these challenges of many building owners under the concept of a new solution, which is “compact in size but robust in energy efficiency” and accomplishes “reduced lifecycle costs of AC systems for buildings”.World’s First and Bests Technologies Technologies ((55)) ffor High Energy Efficiency and Compact Chassisor High Energy Efficiency and Compact Chassis
The SMMShe SMMS–u embraces Tu embraces Toshiba Carrier’s cutting edge technologies oshiba Carrier’s cutting edge technologies to cover a wide operating to cover a wide operating range while attaining high efficiencyrange while attaining high efficiency. A. A largelarge–capacity triplet rotary compressocapacity triplet rotary compressor r using using aa highhigh–numbernumber–ofof–turnturnss open winding motoropen winding motor ()() and compression loss minimizingand compression loss minimizing multimultivalvesvalves and and a duala dual–state inverterstate inverter ()() that allows the switch between that allows the switch between 22–inverter open winding motor inverter open winding motor drivedrive and and 11–inverter star connectioninverter star connection motor motor drivedrive are key are key innovations innovations adopted for the new seriadopted for the new serieses. In . In addition, novel design heat exchangers and propeller fansaddition, novel design heat exchangers and propeller fans for increased capacity, sophisticated for increased capacity, sophisticated oil and refrigerant management for simplified refrigeration cycle oil and refrigerant management for simplified refrigeration cycle are also instrumental in are also instrumental in attaining attaining high efficiency and compact size.high efficiency and compact size.

IndustryIndustry–firsfirst “Newt “New–Old Old Unit Unit MixingMixing ControlControl” ” ((66)) for Flexiblefor Flexible Planning in Replacement Planning in Replacement Budget and ScheduleBudget and Schedule
The new control for the SMMS
The new control for the SMMS–u u ensures the compatibility in communications and refrigeration ensures the compatibility in communications and refrigeration cycles with older VRF series of Toshiba Carrier, allocycles with older VRF series of Toshiba Carrier, allowing old and new series wing old and new series unitunits to s to coco–exist and exist and operate under the same control. This operate under the same control. This unique unique retrofitting feature retrofitting feature provides building owners with provides building owners with flexibility to explore different replacement flexibility to explore different replacement planplans; s; some some may may want towant to replacreplacee the units installethe units installed in d in rooms currently unusedrooms currently unused,, while while othersothers may may prefer keeping some of the existing units that are prefer keeping some of the existing units that are operational while operational while prioritizing the replacement ofprioritizing the replacement of the rest the rest that are alreadythat are already downdown afterafter coming coming toward the end of the product’s usefultoward the end of the product’s useful lifelife. The . The nnewew–oold ld unit munit mixing ixing control control allows building allows building owners such flexible and sustainable owners such flexible and sustainable replacement replacement planning according to budget, schedule, and planning according to budget, schedule, and the lengtthe length of service of each equipment,h of service of each equipment, ensuring a smooth ensuring a smooth transition toward hightransition toward high–efficiency AC efficiency AC equipmentequipment anand d assisting them to assisting them to go greener.go greener.

1.World’ s First and Best Technologies (*5) for High Energy Efficiency and Companct Chassis

The SMMS u embraces Toshiba Carrier’s cutting edge technologies to cover a wide operating range while attaining high efficiency . A large capacity triplet rotary compressor using a high number of turns open winding motor (**) and compression loss minimizing multi valves and a dual state inverter (**) that allows the switch between 2-inverter open winding motor drive and 1-inverter star connection motor drive are key innovations adopted for the new series . In addition, novel design heat exchangers and propeller fans for increased capacity, sophisticated oil and refrigerant management for simplified refrigeration cycle are also instrumental in
attaining high efficiency and compact size.

2. Industry first “New Old Unit Mixing Control” (*6) 6 for Flexible Planning in Replacement Budget and Schedule

The new control for the SMMS-u ensures the compatibility in communications and refrigeration cycles with older VRF series of Toshiba Carrier, allo wing old and new series unit s to co exist and operate under the same control. This unique retrofitting feature provides building owners with flexibility to explore different replacement plan s; some may want to replac e the units installed in rooms currently unused while others may prefer keeping some of the existing units that are operational while prioritizing the replacement of the rest that are already down after coming
toward the end of the product’s useful life . The new-old unit mixing control allows building owners such flexible and sustainable replacement planning according to budget, schedule, and the length of service of each equipment, ensuring a smooth transition toward high efficiency AC equipment and assisting them to go greener.

3. “Kobetsu Defrost Technology” to Address Challenges in Defrost and Fresh Air Ventilating Operations

Toshiba Carrier developed “Kobetsu defrost technology”, which leverages the variable compression ratio properties of rotary compressors for 2-stage compression cycle and its unique medium pressure control. The Kobetsu defrost technology allows optimized distribution of the heat absorbed by the outdoor unit(s) in heating mode of a VRF system to the outdoor unit(s) in defrosting mode as well as to the indoor units in heating mode so that both powerful defrosting operation and minimized indoor temperatured rop during the defrost ing operation are attained for the entire operating range . When used with fresh air ventilation equipment, the technology
enables to ensure the discharge temperature from the equipment higher than the ambient temperature during defrosting operation for continued ventilation during defrosting operation or minimized downtime for ventilating operation. Building owners thus do not need to opt for a
larger capacity model as safeguard against the downtime and are able to save both the initial investment and running costs with minimized annual energy consumption for fresh air ventilation.

*1 Source: Toshiba Carrier Corporation (as of December 21, 2020)
*2 Source: Toshiba Carrier Corporation (only for AC applications)
*3 Source: Toshiba Carrier Corporation (only among models available in the market; as of December 21, 2020)
*4 The APF values are calculated in accordance of the guidance of “Package Air Conditioner”, JIS B 8616, 2015
*5 Source: Toshiba Carrier Corporation. The dual state inverter is the world’s first and the triplet rotary compressor is the world’s largest (as of December 21, 2020)
*6 Source: Toshiba Carrier Corporation
** Available only for Japanese models

Rendering of the Prize Winning Unit : MMY MUP5001H, MMY MUP5601H1



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